The Pulse of Water
Installed in the atrium of San Juan Islands Museum of Art, March-August 2020
18’ x 20’ x 12’, enamel on router cut MDF that is cut and sewn together to make the formerly flat sheets malleable

The Pulse of Water

The Pulse of Water

Silkpunk Grasshopper Leg Transport
48” x 120” x 120”
scroll cut MDF with LED lights
3D printed stellated dodecahedron
photo by Mark Woods

Detail of Silkpunk Grasshopper Leg Transport
Netting design is made of “shuriken” or ninja throwing stars
Photo by Mark Woods

Detail of Silkpunk Grasshopper Leg Transport
Serrated edge of the tibia of the grasshopper leg.
Photo by Mark Woods

A Separate Reality
12' x 10' x 10'
acrylic on scroll cut engineered wood

(Detail) A Separate Reality
12’x 10’x 10’
Acrylic on scroll cut engineered wood

Folded Tetradecagon from Life Unfolded
24”x 24”x 24”
Acrylic on scroll cut engineered wood
Hinged vertexes to fold as platonic solid
photo by Ken Wagner

Unfolded Net Tetradecagon from Life Unfolded
Size variable
60”x 30”
Acrylic on scroll cut engineered wood
Hinged vertexes to unfold as nets
photo by Ken Wagner

The Release, an iteration of Life Unfolded
144”x 24”x 24”
Acrylic on scroll cut engineered wood
Shown through artist cooperative exchange between Shift in Seattle and Candyland in Stockholm, Sweden

Pineal Canopy
Installation dimensions variable
15’x 14’x 11’ space
8 strands 14’x 24”x 24”
36,000 hand knotted and waxed twine
320 router cut engineered wood scales
Bellevue Arts Museum Biennial, Knock on Wood
photo by Cameron Nagashima
Pineal Canopy
Site responsive installation at Bainbridge Island Museum of Art
3 strands of hand knotted and waxed twine, router cut engineered wood
168”x 24”x 24”

Chain Links
80 links, 9”x 5”each
Stenciled enamel on engineered wood
ArtXchange Gallery, Seattle
photo by Cameron Nagashima

Within/Without FEAT
144”x 120”x 48”
Enamel on router cut engineered wood, bamboo poles
Fellowship Exhibition Artist Trust (FEAT) show at Galvanize, Seattle
Lighting by Spar Wilson
Photography by Mark Woods
Site responsive elements from Within/Without
Worm Hole
Elements from Within/Without
Site responsive installation at Rubix and ArtXchange Gallery
36”x 36”x 24”
Photo by Ross Nichol

River Run
540”x 144”x 12”
Enamel on scroll cut engineered wood
Edmonds Community College Art Gallery
Photo by Ross Nichol
Taki (Waterfall)
144”x 216”x 12”
Enamel on scroll cut engineered wood
Installed at ArtXchange Gallery
Photo by Ross Nichol

Pulse of the Ocean
Site responsive installation for Ocean Fest at the Foss Waterway Maritime Museum in Tacoma, Washington, June-August 2021

The Pulse of the Ocean
Site responsive installation for Ocean Fest at Foss Waterway Maritime Museum in Tacoma, Washington, June-August 2021

Life Unfolded
144”x 216”x 12”
Enamel on scroll cut engineered wood
In honor of my father, Tetsundo Sekiguchi
River Run
Photo by Ross Nichol